I made this illustration at the request of the Cosmic Frontier conveners for the Snowmass 2021 DPF community planning exercise. The illustration was featured on the title page of the final Cosmic Frontier Snowmass Report.

The goal was to create an image that could serve as an overview, highlighting the fact that different cosmological probes work together to provide information about the Cosmic Frontier science goals: dark matter, dark energy, inflation, neutrinos, and exploring the unknown.

alt="Cartoon with Earth in the lower left of the image, with a fan-shaped illustration showing different cosmological epochs observed as we look out into the Universe, including local group dwarf galaxies, large scle structure, reionization, and the CMB. A legend associates the snowmass cosmic frontier science goals of dark matter, dark energy, inflation, neutrinos, and exploring the unknown with different colors. Icons identifying different kinds of observables highlight what kinds of astrophysical, lab, and cosmic probes will inform these science cases."

Here’s an animated version highlighting each of the science goals in sequence: alt="Same cartoon as above, but highlighting each of the colors, and thus science goals, one at a time."

And here’s a version just showing the background illustration: alt="Cartoon with Earth in the lower left of the image, with a fan-shaped illustration showing different cosmological epochs observed as we look out into the Universe, including local group dwarf galaxies, large scle structure, reionization, and the CMB. Same illustration as above but without the legend and icons"

Upon request I can provide jpg files showing the frames of the gif individually and/or subsets of the icons.